Sunday, September 4, 2011

Weekly update Aug 29-Sept4

A long hot dry week ... lots of gnats... hottest summer (June-August) on record for this area ... plow up the squash patch ... little Mattie joins us for evening run ... Banshee and DB catch mice ... persimmons coming in ...  possibility of storms ...

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” ~Mother Theresa

Monday August 29: Hoped for rain but not a drop

Hot and sticky morning, workers here, dogs pretty sluggish, morning run, water trees, feed and kennel. Corey's ear doing well, maybe we've hit upon the proper regimen. Go to work, heats up to 100 during day. Return, dogs all inside, fix food, go out for evening run and a breeze has spring up, and its clouding up ... possibility of rain??? Husband has bushogged and plowed up the squash patch, but Corey finds a few ends of squash ... the last this year ... but, rejoice, the persimmons are coming in! Corey brings an entire branch filled with green persimmons to the rest of us, he's eating them cant understand why the others arent interested ... feed and kennel, looks like it'll rain, put up all windows, theres thunder and lightening, but in the distance ... we end up not getting a drop, while the next county floods

Tuesday August 30: Little Mattie joins us for evening run

Cool and breezy morning! Had to put on long sleeve shirt. Dogs burst out of kennels, running about in mad excitement, fall is here! Morning run, feed and kennel. Go to work, return to be greeted by all dogs at gate, go inside,  give the Damcat treats, let dogs in fix food, look at sliding door and... there's little Mattie waiting for us! Let dogs out, moremad excitement, DB and Mattie running in circles, Corey barking, Banshee hopping up and down, Snoopy finding a ball ... go for evening run with all dogs, gosh its nice to have Mattie back!

Wednesday August 31: A bit cooler

Last day of August ... only in low 90's. Nice morning run, dogs all very happy ... DB and Banshee each catch a mouse back in the former squash garden, DB eats hers, Banshee brings hers to me... fed and kenneled, went to work. On return greeted at gate by all 4, went inside briefly, fix food, then out for evening run and watering. Groom all 4 dogs, Corey again has sandspurs in feathers... clip DBs nails, even manage to get some waterless shampoo on Snoopy!

Thursday September 1: Hottest summer on record

Heard on news, this has been the hottest summer (June-August) on record for this area... average high temp of 97. Today is warm and muggy, lots of gnats ... heats up to 96. Morning run, feed and kennel, go to work. On return, all 4 dogs greet me at gate ... go inside, fix food, out again for evening watering (there is nothing LEFT to mow, no rain for so long, nothing growing )... DB is very very itchy, I can find no fleas. I think I will try the 'borax dip' tomorrow ... feed and kennel

Friday September 2

Off today (my agency gives extra admin leave days since we havent had raises in over 5 years) ... morning run, husband has gone into town ... do some watering, cant get faucet up by gate to turn (darn wrists are so weak now) ... pretty warm already, so dry the dogs are kicking up clouds of dust ... feed and kennel. Husband returns, helps me bathe DB and put the 'borax dip' on her. Sure hope this helps, she is scratching herself raw especially around her tail area. Let her 'dry' in her crate, then out for brief run, turn on the water on several lines of trees, back inside for lunch. Read, nap, then go into town for chiro appointment, was going to visit Sally, but her mom is giving a birthday party for son, though she saysI can come by and go in yard with dogs, its still 98 degrees at 6:P.M. Go by store, then home, dogs inside except DB is in her crate, husband had put them in crates while he  was working in shed and DB didnt want to leave her crate, so, he left her there. Fix food, go out for evening run, let DB join us ... my mower blade has slipped off the belt again (lucky not much to mow,eh)... feed and kennel

Saturday September 3

Warm and muggy, lots of gnats, generally unpleasant. Morning run, then give DB another borax dip. She is stil very itchy. Gave her benedryl. Let her dry in crate, let others out, then DB, go for run, then inside, lunch, cleaning house today. Have to crate dogs again to vacuum living room. Let them out, then go for van ride to store. Corey's left ear is now bothering him. heck it, it looks OK. Evening run, do some watering, even though a hurricane is supposedly on the way it may miss us like the last one did

Sunday September 4

Still warm and muggy and buggy. Morning run, feed and kennel, go to church. On return dogs are all inside with husband, am greeted enthusiastically, change clothes, take out for a run, its pretty warm, dry , dusty ... back inside. Lunch etc. Clouding up now, think maybe storm on the way, take out for a run ... never rains. Play ball with Snoopy and Corey. DB seems a little less itchy... try to batten down everything in case storm hits tonight, but now the forecasters say it'll be tomorrow ...

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