Saturday, July 23, 2011

Weekly update July 17-23

Very hot (over 100) weather returns, no rain, but muggy and buggy ... Sally goes to vet for HW treatment, does well and is back at Powderhouse ... little Mattie visits twice ... Corey discovers he loves squash too ... Corey and Banshee vie over pears ... squash harvest continues unabated ... and for bad news, we get fleas ...

Monday July 18: Sally goes to vet for HW treatment

Warmer today, morning run, fed and kennel, then off to pick up Sally
and take her to the vet for HW treatment ... I'm  sure she'll be fine, they are excellent vets, but I really hated leaving her there, she's such a little trooper, no sign of fear at all(unlike my Snoopy, also a rescue dog, who is so scared of the vet she has to be sedated).... took much longer to take her to vet than anticipated, so worked in town today ... return home, very tired, pretty hot out still, watered the pear trees, Corey and Banshee enjoyed eating pears ... feed and kenel, and little Mattie showed up! Fed her too, gave her treats.

Tuesday July 19: Mattie comes over to play

Weather definitely heating up again ... somehow managed to break transmission on one of mowers, needs to go to shop .. morning run, feed and kenel, go to work (taking squash to food bank on the way) ... vet calls mid afternoon, Sally'd bloodwork was 'perfect' and she handled the first HW shot well ....return home, still very hot, fix husband supper, fix dog food then out to water, everything getting very dry ... little Mattie joins us, Snoopy and Banshee thrilled to see her, water the apple trees and trees up front, feed and kennel

Wednesday July 20: Horrible hot weather from hell

OK, here we go, up in the 100 degree range again.. whew ... hot in early morning ... morning run, water some trees, feed and kennel, husband picks MORE squash, load up with 4 bags to go to another food bank ... to work, meeting at church with AC on the blink ... go by vet to visit Sally, she is doing great! then chiropractor, then home, still hot as blazes, looks like rain in a few areas but no luck here ... dogs greet me eagerly, go for evening run and watering, skeeters are fierce (I now have a mosquito netting top which helps some) ... feed and kennel

Thursday July 21: Oh no... fleas

Hot hot hot ... mid July heat wave continues ... morning run, water trees, feed and kennel, dogs are dragging ... go to work, still in high 90's when return, and oh no, husband has found fleas on poor DB, I know these must have come with Jake when he was here, he was scratching, I didnt see fleas, I sprayed him with the herbal flea spray but didnt put DE on him (should have) ... or perhaps when we transported Sally from the pound to the vet in my van... I am so stupid, I didnt think to remove all bedding from the van. Aargh.  havent had fleas out here in past 5 years ... vacuum carpets, put DE on dogs (and the Damcat) ... may have to use Frontline, husband wont let them inside inside with fleas and its too hot outside and they'll have to stay in crates in AC dog shed all day ... evening run, DB scratching fiercely, Snoopy also scratching now ... eh gads. Feed and kennel

Friday July 22: Sally goes back to kennel

Up to 104 today. This heat is awful. Morning run, water trees, everything drying up ... fairly nice very early in morning but by 8 AM its bad. Feed and kennel. DB still itching badly, dont see any fleas, but spray all with herbal spray ... cant bring them inside. Husband takes them into AC dog shed when it gets above 95. Go to work. In late afternoon pick up Sally from vet and take her to Powderhouse (see separate note), she is doing amazingly well, everyone loves her, what a great little girl. Call husband, he says DB and Snoopy scratching ... Pick up Frontline, return home, dogs are in AC dog shed, let them out for evening run, they are pretty sad at being cooped up in crates all day ... I really,really hate to do this, but, I put Frontline on them. You cannot know how I hate doing this, I feel like a failure... Evening run, water trees, very nasty,hot and sticky and buggy ... feed and kennel.

Saturday July 23: Heat continues

Morning run, hot and sticky already ... no rain in sight, so water trees, again. Turn on sprinklers in back. DB still scratching but not as bad ... double up the DE in their food as I assume they'll also have tapes ... feed and kennel, I go to town to visit Sally,try to take video, she is doing great,very happy, get to go in big play area, but dont dare let her loose for long. Practice 'sit' (she has this down pat) and 'down' ... too hot out here, go back inside kennel. Then go to pick up Corey's herbs from Claire, stop by PetSmart (no adoptions today except McCormick Humane) ... do some shopping, return home, husband and dogs are in AC dog shed (my husband has a computer 'workshop' in there too) ... fix lunch. Freeze some corn and squash. My little freezer is now full. Gosh its boring inside without my dogs! The Damcat, however, is tickled pink. Go let them out to pee, its still over 100 degrees. Put them back. Finally around 730 go out for evening run, watering, etc. Feed and kennel. Thunder in evening, no rain.

Sunday July 24: Dogs allowed back in again

Morning run, hot and sticky, husband has turned off outside water so cant water ... feed and kennel, then bathe DB with oatmeal soap, dont find any fleas but she is stil very itchy. Go to church, on return do brief noonday foray and water (husband has watered some this AM) Back inside, let dogs in ... do wash and other indoor chores, temps up above 100 now ... out again around 7, temps down to 97 ... water some trees, pick some squash ... Corey has now decided he loves squash as much as pears ... Banshee likes pears but not apples, DB likes pears too... Corey barks and barks at them when they get one first! Snoopy doesnt care for any of it, she is only interested in ... playing ball... feed and kennel at nightfall.

Mary Lou
DB,Banshee, Snoopy and the wild Irishman Corey (dogs)
Ginger in spirit (2005-4/9/10)
The Damcat
Callie in spirit (04/90-06/07)

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