Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday Jan.20

Have to leave before sunrise to go to an out of town hearing ... fix food and leave for husband to feed ... return home after hearing as my car windshield is cracked and the man is supposed to fix it 'sometime between 12 and 6'... husband and dogs inside, take them for run, put med in Corey's ears, get ready to fix lunch and ... the dogs' food is still in fridge. husband says he ';forgot' when workers came he just let dogs out and never fed them. Ack. Feed dogs, leave them kenneled to digest, then let out, have another run, then inside for their nap ... go out on porch awhile later, sitting there peacefully with dogs when ... the man had arrived to fix windshield.while we were inside,  the dogs realize this, leap off the porch, and head for the poor guy in ;full voice' (which is pretty darn intimidating)... he jumps IN my car ... (he had already removed the old windshield, fortunately the dogs dont realize this...) I whistle them back, no, they won't hurt him, but he is obviously scared ... take dogs back inside where we wait, and wait, until he finally finishes ... almost dark. Evening run, feed and kennel.

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